One item that every farmer is familiar with is the backhoes. Many people rely on these get a tough job done, and there are many affordable versions available. They can be used in landscaping, farming, light construction, at nurseries, at golf courses, at cemeteries, and any other location that need a backhoe to get the job done.
What types of jobs can backhoes perform? The pieces of heavy machinery can dig holes, move heavy items, excavate, and much more! These tractors also go by many other names including JCB, rear actor, and back actor. Many companies make this heavy equipment tractor including John Deere, Caterpillar, Case, and New Holland. These really get a tough job done quickly. They typically have a digging bucket on the front of a two-part arm. This part of the vehicle is often referred to as the boom and dipper, or boom and dipper stick. These terms are interchangeable, and farmers and contraction workers referred to them either way. They are typically powered by hydraulics. Some people call the metal bar that is like a hinge attached the scoop the thumb.
This piece of heavy machinery was originally produced by the JCB Company. They are in English company, that started manufacturing this piece in 1953. The first American version was created in 1959, by the Hy-Dynamic company. A humorous part of this invention’s history is known as the backhoe fade. This term refers to damage done by backhoes. If a phone line gets dug up or cut, this is the term used to describe this occurrence. It is more of an inside joke between those who work with this equipment.
If you work in construction you are probably familiar with this helpful piece of equipment. If you have never worked with these before, and have no idea what it is, hopefully you have a better understanding of the product now. You have learned and nicknames, the uses, and who uses them. You even read a funny fact. Visit your local contraction site or farmer to try out one of these heavy pieces equipment for yourself. They are fun and easy to use once you learn how to run them.
Source by Dave Gorski
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